Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Origin: France
Where & When: Whole Foods, October 10, 2009
Milk: Cow
Style: Semi-soft/Washed-rind
How Used: On a cheese board with sea-salt pita crackers

Modeled after a cheese previously made by Trappist monks. Strong aromas lead into a very mild cheesewith a salty-sweet flavor. Texture is soft like a spreadable cheese, but spongy and springy in that it won't spread and it will return to original shape. We found it delicious on crackers and would make a great addition to a cheese platter at a party.


grinnock said...

I'm a bad person, when I read the title I thought it said "port-slut." I knew you liked the cheese, but not that much!

Unknown said...


I tried to come up with a witty comment, but I think I am still flabbergasted.

You win.